Secure Software Programming and Development

Computer security is not just about troubleshooting activities. With the increase in software made and used by companies, making sure that software is truly secure must therefore be a priority. Developing secure software ensures that there are no security flaws, thus reducing subsequent costs. It has been estimated that the cost of "code fixing," carried out after code release, can be 30 times the cost that would be incurred if such flaws were identified at the design stage.

Our team, also composed of senior developers with years of experience in secure software development, provides support at different stages of software development in order to anticipate and analyze all security problems during development. Our specialists intervene to define which methods and tools to introduce in the early stages of the project or throughout the development.

Software security is the result of development mechanisms and processes in which security is integrated. Security is most effective when planned and applied at every stage of software development.

Cyber attacks on software

Software protection is critical because a cyber attack can compromise the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data and information. The targets of attacks are vulnerabilities, hidden in application code and providing an easy entry point for systems compromise. Application vulnerabilities continue to be the critical weaknesses most exploited by cyber criminals.